Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Welcome to How to Invest. The simple way of learning how to invest so that you can make money while you sleep. We cover everything from US to NZ Stocks.

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 About Us
How to invest was created with the sole purpose of helping everyday kiwi investors make smart decisions with their money. On this website we will educate and inform you about the latest trends, topics and information you should know to be a successful stock investor and trader.

Check this site often as it will be updated regularly. We want to be the go to place for kiwis when you want to learn how to invest your money or what opportunities are out there. The end goal is to educate and inspire aspiring investors and traders from New Zealand.

When you decide that you want to get shares in stocks, specifically US stocks, but you live in Australia or New Zealand what do you do? These countries do not have a direct link to the US market because they are far away and thus investors in these countries suffer. This is where this article comes in. In this article, you will be told about the app called Stake and how it will help you get shares and stock in the US stock market. Let’s begin!

If you are new to Stake or thinking about trying it out, you can do so by clicking HERE and getting a free stock from GoPro, Dropbox or Nike.

What is Stake?
Stake is an online stock trading company that offers Australian and Kiwi residents US Stocks. Now, launched in the UK too, it is a platform through which users and customers can buy shares and stokes from US companies in an easy and affordable way. With an app that is available on mobile phones too, this helps you get your favourite stock wherever and whenever you want.

How to Make An Account on Stake
Stake is one of those companies that offer apps to their customers. Having the app makes it easier for the customer to use it on their phone or tablet. They can use it when they are on the go or when working on something else. To get an account on stake is very easy.

Go to the play store and write down Stake and download the app.
Register on the account by proving your Australian or kiwi identity.
Once you have an account you can start with the free stock from the get-go. This will help you create more money so you can buy more stocks.

This is a commonly asked question. How can you use Stake if you are an amateur and don’t know anything about trading and shares? Well here are a few ways you can use stake.

1. Stake has over 3,500 stock options for its customers. This is just information for the customer to know when going in with Stake.
2. Once you have made an account and are now an official member of Stake, you can now visit any of the stocks offered.
3. There are three layers or levels of stocks, one is for professionals, one is for experienced individuals and one is for beginners. 4. This way you won’t make the mistake of trying to trade with a professional level.
5. Stake doesn’t provide commitment traps thus you are free to broker between packs if you feel like you can handle it.
6. Once you apply for a share, it takes minutes to get digitally approved and then you can use credit card to get funds.
7. Your money will be converted into US dollars to get the share you want thus you will have tax-free stock exchange.
8. Jut make sure that you are buying and sharing stocks on US working times otherwise you may get a delay in stock rates.

With Stake being a top app that helps Australians and Kiwi’s get a share in the US stock market, there are bound to be some disappointments. Now, this is not saying that the app doesn’t offer you the best of the US stocks but there are some stocks that do not do that well. This means that there are some US stocks that are offered to you that may not be doing that well.

If you are new to Stake or thinking about trying it out, you can do so by clicking HERE and getting a free stock from GoPro, Dropbox or Nike.

Stake’s job is to offer you stocks, what you decide to go for is on you. This is why, in this article, you will be told the worst possible stocks that you can buy on Stake and stock that could cause you no profit or very little profit.

Worst US Stocks to Buy on Stake

Below are a few US Stocks that are not the best way to get profit. Stake offers them as a possibility but it is up to the customer to invest or get a share, so do go through the list to make sure these are not the stocks you choose.

1. Mcdonalds (MCD)

The fast-food chain has had a bad year. From the global pandemic that has been raging on, to most people switching to online food deliveries. McDonald’s has suffered a profit loss and may not be the best idea to get a share in this stock.

2. Walgreens (WBA)

United State’s second-largest pharmacy store is lagging behind in the profits department. With its competitor CVS getting a higher profit percentage this company is slowly falling behind with the revenue. This stock at Stake might not be the best idea for you to either invest in or get a share in.

3. Johnsons and Johnsons (JNJ)

A multinational company based in the US famous for pharmaceuticals, medical devices and packaged good is in trouble. From multiple lawsuits to many complaints of their products, this once most sought-out company is suffering terms of profit and revenue-generating. With 2019 being their worst year yet, 2020 seems to be getting worse for them too. With lawsuits pending and public disgrace, this may not be the best time to get a share in this company.

4. Guess (GES)

The iconic clothing store that made the world, if not the US go crazy after its clothing collection is suffering. Along with other retail stores, this franchise is suffering hugely at the hands of Amazon and other online shopping sites. Most customers would rather shop online from the comfort of their homes than to go to a store and buy. Thus, the clothing retail franchise is suffering and 2020 doesn’t look any better for them. Don’t get a share in this stock. Rather, go for the online shopping company Amazon in its place.

Final Words
With the above-mentioned companies, it is necessary to mention that they have had bad years may recover after some time, but at the moment they may not be your best option. Buying a share in a stock is a responsible thing to do, so it is responsible to not invest or buy a share that isn’t doing well.

If you are new to Stake or thinking about trying it out, you can do so by clicking HERE and getting a free stock from GoPro, Dropbox or Nike.

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